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At Parsons Photography, our wedding videography services capture the timeless essence of your love story in a cinematic and elegant way. Every moment is carefully crafted with attention to detail, weaving together the emotions, laughter, and intimate moments to create a film that’s more than just a video—it’s a story you’ll relive over and over. Our approach is all about making each scene intriguing and vibrant, bringing you right back to the magic of your wedding day.

Working with us is a seamless experience. We understand how precious this day is and ensure that the process feels effortless and enjoyable. We also offer combined photo and video packages, providing a cohesive, high-quality experience from start to finish. With our storytelling expertise, we capture the details, big and small, to create memories that last a lifetime.

cinematic films for the madly in love

Your Kelowna Wedding Videographer & MediaTeam

Relive Every Unscripted Moment

Every wedding is different and unique, just as the couples getting married are. Let's chat about what your wedding day is looking like, how you want it to feel, and how I can make it carefree and easy for you.
Some couples want the whole day documented while others only want specific parts captured. I am here to tailor to your wedding needs. 

Are you yet to be engaged? Contact me now to book a proposal session! I'll hide out of sight while you pop the question. I promise- she'll love it! 


I recommend you book ASAP to make sure that I'm available to photograph your big day. 

While you're at it, feel free to add on an engagement shoot! This will help us to get acquainted with each other before your wedding and will give you amazing memories down the road as your time as fiancés. 


It's so important that on your wedding day, you are able to relax knowing that all the details are taken care of. I'll request that you share your timeline with me and may make some suggestions along the way. We can discuss whether you'd like to do a first look before the ceremony, as well.

I usually recommend that couples take their photos together after the family photos, and then enjoy an additional short golden hour session with me at sunset. You'll get an incredible variety of pictures and get to sneak out for a few minutes for some serene time together. 


The big day has arrived! All the details are in place. Now, you can just sit back and enjoy your day. Soak up every minute of it- it goes by so quickly! Thankfully, you'll have me in the background in snapping pictures the whole day. 
You'll get a variety of posed pictures as well as many candid pictures, perfectly documenting the day for you to remember always and share with others. 


Within 6 weeks of your wedding, you'll get the anticipated email from me- "Your photos are ready!". After seeing a few sneak peaks from along the way, you'll be so excited to sit down together and smile as you remember all the details your big day.
At this point, you can feel free to download your gallery of digital images. They're in full resolution, ready for you to do what you choose with them. Would you like to order framed prints or canvases, ready to go on your walls? You can easily do so right from the gallery I send you. If you added on an printed album at the time of booking, choose the images you'd like  in it and you'll receive it in the mail shortly. Congratulations you guys!  


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